Vm/Im = peak value of V/I in a pulsating output
RMS value = Equivalent DC power produced by Pulsating output
Vdc/Idc = Arithmetic average of pulsating output
Half Wave Rectifier Calculator |
Percentages are simple enough to calculate without a symbol that TI didn't even bother to put a % button or sign. The symbol does exist, but it is only accessible through assembly (or by computer) and does not actually calculate percentages.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, a percentage is simply a number divide by 100. So 10% would be equivalent to 0.10, which you would type into the calculator. Just move the decimal point to the left two places.
For your example, the expression would be 12345 + 12345×0.048 (because it's an increase). I suggest you Percentage calculator through this you get more results about How to calculate percentage . I suggest you Percentage calculator through this you get more results about How to calculate percentage .